Although this title can be interpreted in two very different ways, it perfectly sums up my current situation. Despite being here for almost 3 months now, there are daily reminders of things I desire from home, and most of all friends and family that I miss seeing and spending time with. Don't get me wrong, our time here so far has been phenomenal, and I am in no way intending to come off as complainy. There is so much that we have available at our fingertips left to explore and experience. The opportunity to hop on a plane for little cost, only to find ourselves in a completely different culture within an hour or two, is simply priceless. To be able to say that we live in London, we live in Europe, feels fantastic. Planning summer trips to France, Portugal, and anywhere else our budget can take us fills me with a giddy sense of euphoria (if that makes sense). Despite this I do miss my family, and the simple pleasures we take for granted sometimes, in terms of being able to spend time with those that mean so much to us. I am happy though that I am spending time with one individual that means so much to me and has made moving to a new country with one suitcase and two carry-ons so much easier and incredibly fulfilling. I am proud of the simple fact that we've been able to accomplish so many amazing goals in such a short amount of time. First off, I never really envisioned myself living in Europe essentially right out of the gate (with the metaphorical gate being university). I had a pipe dream of one day possibly moving to a sun soaked country to spend my days teaching English and my time off traveling and enjoying the "good life". I can say with confidence that I am living the good life, generally speaking, and that I am living in a sun soaked country (minus the sun part for the past month or so, but that's but a minor detail). Secondly, the idea of traveling was one that we both agreed had to be taken advantage of (in the best way one can take advantage of something). We have already visited Ukraine (read about my venture behind the iron curtain), and spent time exploring Britain as well (last minute planning isn't always as glamorous as it's made out to be). Finally, we are both working consistently in a line of work that we are both passionate about (and were trained to do).
When you think about it, there isn't much I should be complaining about. Except maybe the fact that I am currently at home sick (literally), but nobody likes a complainer.
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