Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Once in a lifetime. The last time this century. What more could one ask for in terms of inspiration for a blog post. But there's only so much inspiration one could gather from the date (which in this case isn't much).

With only four sleeps left until we're back in the land of moose and igloos, anticipation, excitement, and nervousness are beginning to creep up on us much like it always seems to do. I feel like we still have so much to deal with here before leaving for a 'short' vacation of 4 1/2 weeks, that we've adopted the strategy of let's not deal with anything right now and wait until the last minute (sort of). The major issues have been dealt with;
Pounds exchanged for Canadian Dollars (CHECK)
Finding someone to take our flat for a month (CHECK)
Take time off work (CHECK)
Ensure that there is some work for when we get back (CHECK)
Laundry (CHECK)
Clean the flat (not even close)
Organise a goodbye for now shindig (not really)
Pack (nope)

With work the next two days, accomplishing anything on our list might be slightly ambitious (and we all know how that turned out for me once already). That leaves possibly some progress to be made on Friday night, and Saturday to accomplish everything we NEED to finish before we leave. Can we do it? Without a doubt, that's not the issue. It's simply how and what we need to do in order to get there. Happy 12/12/12 everyone! A bientot.


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