Thursday, November 14, 2013

New projects

It has been a while since I have written on our blog. Before leaving for London this blog acted as a diary of ideas, excitement and really just a way to share. Once we moved life took over a little, even though we experienced so much while living in the UK....realistically speaking we had WAY more to write about once on the the other side of the pond but just...didn't.

So now we are back...back home...back in Canada...back to blogging...We have both been on a bit of a crazy job hunt in the last month. Trying desperately to hold onto our profession, but finding it difficult to find anything in our field...

as a result...

Our hobbies have started to take over...since checking my e-mails a thousand times a day is not helping with the job hunt....drum hobby...CARDS! 

I love holidays, I love decorating, I love love love on a frigid walk down Queen St, we stumbled upon some hilarious cards which got me thinking...and then drawing...and then producing. 

So here they are, I have opened my first Etsy Shop! The cards are cute, funny, simple and appropriate...

side note...When did funny completely turn into inappropriate or plain rude?! It boggles my mind why anyone would want to receive a Christmas card with swearing on it...weird. 

Either way! Check them out...maybe even buy some :D...All ideas are welcome...


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